Tuesday, January 22, 2013

I Could Be A Bum

     Another week of training down and feeling better each week. Since my last blog I have kept my re found running pace back and have made a game of pushing myself harder and harder on the bike and then seeing if I can still run and crazy enough I can. I know it sounds weird but other Triathletes have said its a constant energy balancing act between how much to burn on the bike so they can still get what they need out of the run but for some crazy reason I took the word "Energy" to mean leg fatigue but energy is just energy pedaling a bike and running somehow use different muscles so as long as you have energy left after the bike ride my legs have been good to go. I'm just not sure (I have also only ran 6-8 miles) off the bike I haven't tried any longer distances yet.
     I was also Officially welcomed to the SLS3 family and it feels weird. Actually being part of a team. I waited on this blog to review some of the team gear they have sent me but I found out about an hour ago that the package just hit my Cities Post Office so it will either be waiting when I get home or will arrive tomorrow (Slowed Due to the Holiday) then I'll make a official Box Opening Blog. I just didn't want to go to long without updating the amazing and awesome few followers I have. I did get to meet our team captain "Chris" I know great name. I have now found out Nike recruited about 500+ athletes/workers of all skill levels to compete in a Fuel competition. Which is Nike's way of tracking activity. They have a point system with Nike Plus that allows athletes anywhere to compete against each other no matter their sport or activity level differences. So what Nike did was hand out what they call a fuelband. It looks like a rubber bracelet that everyone already has yet it is packed with Nike tech. It measures Steps, Cals, Distance, and of course Nike Fuel it also tells the time. It syncs with my IPhone Nike app and the computer. So as part of the Tri world I was offered a band with the wink and a nod that I would die before not meeting my daily earn of 3000 points. I quickly took it home unboxed it and checked the website. For a quick understanding of the competition and a look into my very crazy mind. The website lists teams of athletes/Workers

Police Officers

A video Nike made to compare athletes

     Yes that's right Bartenders have their own category and they are kicking serious fuel. When I logged on Ballet was in a crazy lead but the Tri world was down a few members so I decided I would bump My daily goal to 4000, on a normal day 5000 on a hard work out day and see what happens.

So far I'm on a 3 day streak (I've been wearing it for 4 days) and am pushing for today's points. So yes I feel that my team should be in the lead and if it means doing random jumping jacks and hallway wind sprints then so be it. But I like to win. as for my Blog title it just feels weird getting a sponsor and gear from Nike for testing and competing when I haven't even proved myself in the world of Tri yet. I could be a bum, or I could be great only time will tell....

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