Monday, April 1, 2013

The Fountain of Youth

     It's been a awesome week, I finally got my bike out of the gym and on to the street. It was however a very rough ride filled with crazy up hills which before today I  thought my bike cardio was strong but I now know I need a lot of work and by a lot I mean A LOT so I finished the rough ride then the next day pushed through a 8 mile run. Enough about my workouts and the beating on the bike, lets talk about my next evolution. I have always said I need to change my diet to take myself to the next level so that sparked a change to Paleo, now 3 weeks in and not hating living a low grain life I'm going to start juicing (The Fountain of Youth) so for the next week it's a juice for breakfast and a juice for lunch just as a kind of reset for my system so that I'll be ready to push my limits. My wife came up with all the recipes and we got to work..

Yes all this went into my very 1st juice

looks great.... Don't be jealous

None went to waste, what was left in the pitcher (above) I used to fill up one of my fuelbelt bottles and then I was off for a 8 miler

     I had a pretty good week of training, my energy level is almost at a 100% and I've been experimenting with different fuels so that hopefully by Ironman Lawrence (June) I'll have it dialed in. As for my 1st race it's only 11 days away (Rock the Parkway) and I am going to try and push it really hard this week and then taper next week so that hopefully I can PR. I also have a review of my Tri suit but I'm waiting on some pictures....

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