Friday, February 15, 2013

Single Dad

 So I'm STILL on rest for my injured ACL and I'm hoping a week is enough. Tonight I'm doing my 1st Work out in 6 days. A hour long swim work out and then I'm going to have dinner, test the pain level and hopefully get a easy 30-45 minute bike ride workout, then hopefully tomorrow I'll get a easy 4-6 Mile run in and see how that feels. As for me doing all this ACL testing this weekend it is due to the fact that next week is going to be rough... I'm 100% in charge of my son's this week since my wife is in D.C. for a week so I'm wanting to still push my workouts which means a lot of quick workouts or long bike rides while the boys sleep so my schedule will be

Wake up get the boys to school
Get to work (Early)
Leave work early get my run workout in
Take care of the boys (Dinner, Baths, Books Etc)
Then do a bike Workout (At home on the trainer)
Sleep...Then repeat

I'm also going to do some Yoga DVD's
And if I'm not running then I'll lift weights

I'll will give my Update next week with what I accomplished as far as workouts go and I should be posting pictures of My new SLS3 Team Tri suit soon...

Wish me luck....

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