Monday, November 26, 2012

Week-14 Sweat is My Trophy

     That was on the back of a under armor shirt for mile 3-4 during my half and I thought it was a fitting title.
This week is a huge week in my training. I took it easy last week with the holidays and only ran twice and was surprised how well my legs felt. This week however I am adding biking and weight training into the mix. I have decided to become familiar with biking and running off the bike before I add swimming into my routine. Now my weekly workouts will look like this

Day 1-(Speed Day) 30 minutes on the bike above race pace, followed by a 5k above Race Pace, 2 Miles on the Stair Master

Day 2-Weight training workout I created with the help of several tri books and my own training knowledge and as always a dash of google's help

Day 3-(Pace Work) Hour and a half on the bike Race pace, 6-8 mile run at race pace

Day 4-Weight training

Day 5-Long Bike Ride (3 Hours) then run a mile

Day 6-10 minute warm up on the bike, Long Run 10-13 Miles

Day 7-Rest

I'm also going to fit in as much yoga as possible (at least 3 times a week)

     As always all my runs will be tracked by Nike+ and one of my goals is to run at the same speed or faster even though I'm adding biking into the mix. And if your wondering the answer is Yes from now on I am always on the bike before I run, even on my long run day I'm warming up on the bike. The above schedule should be my life for the next 6-8 weeks. At some point when I either start to plateau or am bored out of my mind I will add swimming. Until then the bike is my new best friend.

Some pics from my 1st half

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