Thursday, November 8, 2012

Week 12 - LIMITS

     For those of you that know me, know I live by one motto "There is Only One Way to Find Out" which often gets me in over my head like running my first 3 5k's  with no training just jumping of the couch and trying it. Those races were slow and my body punished me for trying it but, in a small way I realized I love to use running as a way to push myself to my limits.
     I had a normal training week I did all my runs but my recovery time has shrunk to almost nothing, I wake up the day after a run and feel like I can run again. Which is good since at the end of the month I'm adding in swimming and biking into the mix and will have less recovery time scheduled.
     My long run (13.1) was done Sunday night and I'm stuck in the 220-230's and am frustrated that come race day in 2 weeks I won't break 2 hours... But There is Only One Way to Find Out.

I try to Motivate myself with as many things as I can and I very much like awards

The View from my office the night of my long run

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