Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Rain Rain Go Away

     Alright, I am ok with the rain, it's the ice and hail and freezing cold I dislike. I only have 25 days of training left until my very 1st Tri and it looks like it's going to be freezing. A lot of people have dropped out due to the fact that ice is still covering the lake and regardless of how hot it gets the water is going to be freezing cold.
Yes this is a picture of Hail/Sleet on my way to work today....late April

I have a feeling that it's going to be a very long time for my 1st Tri since I will be swimming in freezing water for my 1st ever open water swim, then jumping on my bike which has only been on the road 3 times (I'm wearing out my indoor trainer) then try a 6  mile run most likely still frozen but why not I only had to pay $120.00 bucks for what looks to be a very rough day. Welcome to the world of Triathlon...

On to some cool news if any one checks out my sponsor on Twitter @SLSTRI they switched their profile picture to a picture of me, the one from my last post where I was ripping my shirt off superman style. Did I mention I love being a part of Team SLS3.... 

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