Monday, April 29, 2013

March of Dimes Weekend

     So 20 Days till My very 1st Tri (Kansas City Tri) and I once again have started upping my workouts (Will post schedule in Next Post) Last week went good I made it through the week feeling good and like I was where I should be. During my long run on Saturday at about Mile 4 My Nike sport band quit and so I had to switch to the Nike app on my phone to get all my data. After I got home and called Nike (Cassandra) a Customer Service Manager hooked me up with the new Nike Tom Tom Watch just to keep me happy. And by happy I mean fitting it into my budget and by fitting it in to my budget I mean free So a BIG shout out to the Nike customer service rep Cassandra (Thanks)

Yes It Is HUGE
or does it just make my wrist look skinny

So I drove to the Nike store to pick up my watch I went home and The Family and I went to Church.

Sunday My family and I met up with my younger brother and all did the March of Dimes for my Niece who was born at only 26 weeks

So the weekend was short but good... 

I loved this shirt

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