Monday, April 29, 2013

March of Dimes Weekend

     So 20 Days till My very 1st Tri (Kansas City Tri) and I once again have started upping my workouts (Will post schedule in Next Post) Last week went good I made it through the week feeling good and like I was where I should be. During my long run on Saturday at about Mile 4 My Nike sport band quit and so I had to switch to the Nike app on my phone to get all my data. After I got home and called Nike (Cassandra) a Customer Service Manager hooked me up with the new Nike Tom Tom Watch just to keep me happy. And by happy I mean fitting it into my budget and by fitting it in to my budget I mean free So a BIG shout out to the Nike customer service rep Cassandra (Thanks)

Yes It Is HUGE
or does it just make my wrist look skinny

So I drove to the Nike store to pick up my watch I went home and The Family and I went to Church.

Sunday My family and I met up with my younger brother and all did the March of Dimes for my Niece who was born at only 26 weeks

So the weekend was short but good... 

I loved this shirt

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The New Me

I have been receiving  a lot of questions about My new lifestyle so here is a quick update...

I received an email from Dan a Nutritionist helping me live a more Paleo/Primal lifestyle and this is what he asked.

"Chris as always we at MDA love your blog and seeing someone in each phase of change, but as you become more aware of your daily eating choices and lifestyle we are wondering if you would be opposed to using the word Primal instead of  Paleo. You have given a lot of credit to the Primal Blueprint to map out your new lifestyle we just want to make sure your readers are clear and know where to look if they have any questions about your new exciting health."  Since the first day you emailed me, You have been a constant Primal Role Model and we hope to use you to help others reach a place where they can live a happy lifestyle GROK style.

And of course I will....

For starters I was introduced to by my wife and then went to work researching Paleo and decided to make the jump. I got a copy of The Primal Blueprint and went to work reforming the way I eat. Since the 1st time I emailed Mark, he and his team have been nothing but helpful. When People ask why I eat the way I do or why I seem to be low carbing I tell them I went Paleo. If they want me to better explain I say actually a hybrid of Paleo called Primal created by a ex endurance athlete Mark Sisson I then explain some of how I eat. Staying away from wheat and highly processed foods etc. So for the record I am living the PRIMAL lifestyle but paleo is a good starting point. Here is an article to explain the differences.

 Paleo Vs Primal

The Paleo Diet and Primal Blueprint, it’s true, are based on similar evolutionary science. The story goes something like this. Our modern Western diet bears little resemblance to the eating habits of early humans throughout 100,000+ years of evolutionary history. Instead, since the agricultural revolution some mere 10,000 years ago, we’ve adopted a nutritional regime that our physiology wasn’t and still isn’t adequately adapted to. When the basics of our diet return to the patterns of our pre-agricultural ancestors, we’re operating with, instead of against, our natural physiology. More simply: eat as our ancestors ate, and we’ll be healthier for it.
More specifically, the Paleo Diet and Primal Blueprint both suggest, limit carb intake (especially grains), eat more protein and include lots of veggies as a base. But in the midst of this common ground are some significant interpretational differences and approaches. Association, comparison – sure. But conflation? Not so fast.
A fundamental difference? The role of saturated fats. Cordain and many within the paleo community continue to harbor a fear of saturated fats as the bogey that raises cholesterol and instigates heart disease instead of a critical source of nutrients for neurological functioning and other essential physiological processes. Partaking of only lean meats, eschewing butter and coconut oil (two Primal Blueprint favorites based on health benefits supported by extensive research), restricting egg consumption – this is not your Granddaddy Grok’s diet.
As many critics of the Paleo Diet have pointed out, early humans left virtually nothing of the animal carcasses they were so fortunate to bag. And the fact is they favored not the lean muscle meat but the richer organ meats, bone marrow and even fat deposits themselves. Grok, after all, was just trying to get enough calories and nutrients to stay alive from one day to the next. The denser in energy, the more valued the food. (And, can we add here, more tasty?)
And then there’s the discrepancies surrounding other fats. Sure, there’s a general agreement about the importance of omega 3:6 balance, but the particulars diverge. In the Primal Blueprint, unlike Cordain’s version of the Paleo Diet, omega 3 sources like canola oil are suspect. The fact is, the deodorization process that canola oil is nearly always subjected to removes the omega 3 content. But when you’ve written off saturated fat sources (like good old coconut oil), you’re pretty much stuck wading in the murky waters of processed polyunsaturated products. What’s wrong with this picture?
Also at issue is the role of diet sodas (allowed by Cordain) and other artificial sweeteners. The opinion of many in the paleo community is that as long as it’s not sugar, it’s acceptable. Working around the problem like this seems to be nothing more than a manipulation. Although the Primal Blueprint doesn’t demonize the occasional use of artificial sweeteners, it makes the stipulation that its use should be limited to foods or beverages that will inherently add something positive to the diet. In other words, if you aren’t getting anything positive from the meal or drink, you shouldn’t be taking the risk of the artificial sweetener. A better angle? Expand your cooking repertoire. Train your taste buds in the right direction, and don’t let the artificial stuff get in the way of that progress.
Finally and most importantly, the Primal Blueprint works as a broad, holistic approach to living and not simply a list for eating. While the majority of the underlying assumptions and suggestions of the Paleo Diet are generally sound, the diet encompasses only a fraction of what it takes to live a healthy life in the modern world.
The Primal Blueprint recommends wise supplementation appropriate to counter the stressors and toxins unique to our life today. (Grok didn’t have it all bad.) In its fitness and stress management approach, the Blueprint further highlights and capitalizes on our natural physiological functioning. The Blueprint emphasizes the overlap of good diet with essential fitness and relaxation principles to maximize muscle mass and organ reserve and to defend against the inflammation, sarcopenia and other preventable factors behind the aging process.
And isn’t it a comfort to know that power over your health is seated in more than diet? The big picture of a healthy, fit and happy lifestyle involves more than isolating a specific issue. The Primal Blueprint was designed for the purpose of offering a guide for all elements of healthy living. Let’s face it, some days life makes it particularly difficult to have the perfect diet. We like to think of the Primal Blueprint design as a comprehensive cover, so to speak. The knowledge and efforts you exert in each area (diet, fitness, supplementation, stress management, sleep, etc.) can make a difference when the realities of day to day life keep you from doing a 100% in a given area.

Please feel free to ask me any questions either by emailing me with the link on the top left of this page or leaving a comment... Thanks

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Rain Rain Go Away

     Alright, I am ok with the rain, it's the ice and hail and freezing cold I dislike. I only have 25 days of training left until my very 1st Tri and it looks like it's going to be freezing. A lot of people have dropped out due to the fact that ice is still covering the lake and regardless of how hot it gets the water is going to be freezing cold.
Yes this is a picture of Hail/Sleet on my way to work today....late April

I have a feeling that it's going to be a very long time for my 1st Tri since I will be swimming in freezing water for my 1st ever open water swim, then jumping on my bike which has only been on the road 3 times (I'm wearing out my indoor trainer) then try a 6  mile run most likely still frozen but why not I only had to pay $120.00 bucks for what looks to be a very rough day. Welcome to the world of Triathlon...

On to some cool news if any one checks out my sponsor on Twitter @SLSTRI they switched their profile picture to a picture of me, the one from my last post where I was ripping my shirt off superman style. Did I mention I love being a part of Team SLS3.... 

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Suit Up

     1st off I'll start with a short little mention of my Great Great Grandma-Momma 8 (Don't ask me how I came up with that number because I don't have a group of moms so I assume I added my other grandma's, aunts, etc and since I'm not a mathematician I came up with the magic number of 8/besides I was 3 years old)
She taught me more then a handful of life lessons, which help me become me. She would let me wear my superman cape under my clothes regardless of where we were going. She taught me that spinach worked just like explained by Popeye (which I still love 30 years later raw,cooked however)... All of that leads to this when you have on a super hero suit you feel ready for action and hope to get the opportunity to rip your shirt off and Bam show the world your ready. It is an awesome feeling...

     I opened up a little non discript package from my sponsor and a very thin outfit was inside. It was amazing, a team outfit custom made for me. I instantly pulled my clothes off and put it on, Lets just say it is tight. It is a size small and lets just say it leaves no room for the imagination. I felt cool being part of a small team of triathletes getting to support  team SLS3. I then took the suit off folded it up to test later and moved on. I put it on and went for a bike ride about a week later, and about 20 minutes into the ride I started thinking about the suit since I try and review any and everything I use. That's when I noticed it. It feels like I'm naked it doesn't seem to be squeezing or pulling or rubbing anywhere. It's CRAZY !!! I love it and it reminds me of the superman cape, I am just looking for reasons to put it on. I have tested it 2 more times a long run, and another bike ride and it just feels like part of me not a suit. The public won't see it until May 19th Kansas City Tri but lets just say sometimes I wear it around the house (Purely test purposes) and I can't get over how it feels... I am rating it a perfect 5 out of 5 and am more then looking forward to suiting up for this seasons tri's. 

Monday, April 15, 2013

Horrible Idea

     Bad News, I let myself down on Race Day...
It started when I felt tired going in to Friday night so I decided to get my race gear ready but also to add some extra carbs in just in case I needed them (Bad Idea #1) Then after putting about 90 carbs I started getting my gear ready

After everything was all set out I watched a little TV then tried to go to bed but all the carbs decided I wasn't doing that and my brain wouldn't shut down. I slept from 2am to 4am (Bad Idea #2) got up rechecked all my gear watched some more TV then took a shower got ready. Arrived at the race not ready due to the cold. It was in the 30's and I don't deal well with the cold, I feel like I never fully warm up. I was wearing running shorts a T-Shirt so I wasn't in cold weather gear but I hoped it would warm up (Bad Idea #3). The race started and I was OK I felt out of rhythm but OK. As we took the 1st curve it seemed like everyone was on top of each other and as the road opened up I saw the 1:30 Pace Group and felt like it was just a short sprint away so I took off (WORST Idea #4) I ran the 1st 3 miles with this group so my 1st 3 miles went 5:43,5:22,5:28 which is insane. I train for a pace of 7:30-8:30 per mile and so I'm used to drinking at this pace I can pull a gel out of my pocket and rip it open and down it no problem. but at the pace I was running I couldn't take a gel out, trying to grab a cup out of someones hand is more like just slapping a cup out of there hand so lets just say I skipped the 1st drink station and did nothing other then yell at myself to keep up with these guys. It was brutal and I should have never had done it but I did. After that the wheels fell off for the rest of the race. Here was my plan. Run with the 1:50 pace group have a nice and smooth 1st race and with a mile to go push it to the limit and hopefully PR by a lot. Once the race started I changed my plan to run with the big dogs for a few miles then drop my pace to the 1:40 group and since it was 10 minutes slower it should feel good and I would still sprint the last mile and set a crazy PR. This is how it really went. I took off as fast as I could run, caught the group with out any problems, then realized my full out was there pace so a lot of crazy talk went on in my head alot of just keep pushing it. Did I just miss the drink station, my legs are on fire, this is crazy. then I started to slow down and people just kept passing me. I was done. I train in a warm gym, I take a drink every 2 miles and rarely miss a much need gel and at this point I was cold, couldn't get enough air, missed a drink station and hadn't taken a gel and now it felt like most of the runners had passed me. So I walked the next drink station took a gel and started a very slow pace which I kept for the rest of the race. I ended up around a 9 minute pace and PR the race by a little more then 1 minute which to me isn't a PR so I will use this as a life lesson and train on...

Some things I learned

- Some people train to race 13.1 miles (I don't)
- Don't run someone elses pace (Run your own)
- Race the way you train (My body is used to swim, bike, run) so my pace is a little slower on the run but it's what my body knows so just quit being stupid and let my body do what it's trained for.
- if your worried about the cold train more in the cold.

I did OK, but I didn't do my best and that does nothing but eat at me so I will train smarter and harder and be ready next time. I make no excuses for my poor performance because it's my own fault but next time I will be ready.

Quick lifestyle Update

Since going Paleo and juicing for breakfast/snack a day. I feel amazing better then I have ever felt and have decided I'll never go back to just throwing what ever chemical created fast food is around into my body. I only get one body and I should treat it like that. If anyone is in my area (Kansas City, MO) there is a awesome Meat Market not to far for Grass fed Beef, farm fresh eggs, Bison, etc and it's not priced to crazy , It is crazy weird, I haven't had a Mountain Dew this month (April) and to be honest once I made it passed the 1st 10 days I don't even crave it anymore.

33 days til my very 1st Tri.... 

Monday, April 1, 2013

The Fountain of Youth

     It's been a awesome week, I finally got my bike out of the gym and on to the street. It was however a very rough ride filled with crazy up hills which before today I  thought my bike cardio was strong but I now know I need a lot of work and by a lot I mean A LOT so I finished the rough ride then the next day pushed through a 8 mile run. Enough about my workouts and the beating on the bike, lets talk about my next evolution. I have always said I need to change my diet to take myself to the next level so that sparked a change to Paleo, now 3 weeks in and not hating living a low grain life I'm going to start juicing (The Fountain of Youth) so for the next week it's a juice for breakfast and a juice for lunch just as a kind of reset for my system so that I'll be ready to push my limits. My wife came up with all the recipes and we got to work..

Yes all this went into my very 1st juice

looks great.... Don't be jealous

None went to waste, what was left in the pitcher (above) I used to fill up one of my fuelbelt bottles and then I was off for a 8 miler

     I had a pretty good week of training, my energy level is almost at a 100% and I've been experimenting with different fuels so that hopefully by Ironman Lawrence (June) I'll have it dialed in. As for my 1st race it's only 11 days away (Rock the Parkway) and I am going to try and push it really hard this week and then taper next week so that hopefully I can PR. I also have a review of my Tri suit but I'm waiting on some pictures....