As for the title of this weeks blog. The last 2 weeks I haven't posted much because not much (training world) has changed I'm still Biking/running and weight lifting and its been going ok. Next month however I am adding swimming so it should be crazy hard but only time will tell. Also I have stayed on the low end of intensity for my workouts since the holidays are happening and I didn't want to put to much extra stress on my body so I could fully enjoy all Christmas has to offer. So by this weekend Christmas will be behind me and I feel like I have a solid run off the bike base so its time to start rebuilding my faster pace and reconfigure my speed work drills. I have felt like the first few weeks of running after biking has been hard and I am always dealing with a monkey on my back because no matter how my biking goes my legs are tired so I don't get the same speed out of them that I'm accustom to. So every run leaves me bothered and agitated. No more excuses come this weekend. I am setting my pace and running til my legs give out or they decide to join me on this insane ironman journey. No more easy road for me its put up or shut up time I have been making the excuse for the last few weeks that the reason my times are so slow is because I'm tired off the bike, but the real reason is I let my ego get in the way. Most of the time I don't set long term goals because I let myself down so when I hit my goal for the half marathon I was too pleased with myself and let off the gas as far as my training goes and since I train alone I have only myself to blame. But after reviewing my training log and taking a few minutes to yell at myself, I'm back I'm hungry and ready or not here I come.
Here are a few of my goals....
-In Training I want to run a faster pace off the bike then I ran when I was training for the half marathon
-I don't want to TRY to be ready for a full marathon by October I want to just BE Ready and run it.
-I want to do something physically this year that I thought wasn't possible (last year it was run a half marathon under 2 hours)
Yes I spin in the dark in a hoodie
Most of my Christmas Gifts were Tri related... Next Week I will post Pics and expalin everything