Thursday, September 20, 2012

Day 1 of my Now Very Public Goal

I'm on week 5 of my training and i'm doing it one step at a time

Below is the path I took to get to this point...

Ran 3 5k's with zero training (2010-Guardian Run 39:00, 2010-Gobbler Grind-37.07, 2012-All-Star 5k 36.06) I'm not a runner, I was a highschool sprinter nothing bigger then a 200 yard dash.

Step 1 - Start running as a workout program (Started Aug 20th 2012) I use Nike+ to track most of my runs (Nike+ user ID is chriscarrollXIII)

Step 2 - Build a Pace (Aug -10 min mile, Sept - 9 min mile)
Every week  go up a mile til around 13 a day. and run races when i get the chances

Sept - 15th ran 1st race with about a month of training (2012-4 Mile Zoo Run 38.02-Pictered Below)
Next Race Nov 18th Gobbler Grind 1/2 Marathon

Thats where I am in my journey and I figured if I started a blog of my journey then it would help motivate me and every little bit helps.

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