Thursday, December 6, 2012

Race Schedule 2013

All the blogs I have been reading keep telling me I need to set up and post my 2013 race schedule. This is a hopeful schedule if I can keep major injury free and my training stays on schedule.

March 23rd 

Prairie Spirit Trail 100 & 50 Mile Ultra Races An Epic Ultra Event

I have been talking with @IronTexasMommy (she is in training for this race) about maybe possibly trying to do the 50 mile challenge but I'm still trying to talk myself into it.

April 13th
I'll be doing the Half Marathon

May 19th-ish Date not announced yet
My 1st Tri and I'm hoping to be ready for the Olympic Distance

June 9th

The Oread IRONMAN 70.3 Kansas 


Then back to the lab for Full marathon training for a few months ...

October 19th 

I'm pushing for the Full Marathon but if I'm not ready I'll do the Half.

November 19ish

I'm not sure if I'm doing the Half or Full

I also may do some 5K's if any catch my eye. It's my 1st season and I'm hoping by mixing up distances and types of races won't end up in me biting off more then I can chew.
Wish me luck !!!

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