Monday, May 6, 2013

Everyday Circus

     I'm not sure how every age grouper does their training but I once heard something from a Pro Triathlete (Chris “Macca” McCormack)  that when you are wrapping your head around training for a triathlon it's like deciding to join the circus and due to my new training schedule it feels that way. Let me just let you in on a day in the life of Chris the hopefully, possible, wishful soon to be an Iron Man.

-Wake up 5:45- Jump on the Bike for a quick 10-15 mile Ride-Whip up a Vegetable/Fruit Juice for Breakfast
-Shower and get ready for work
 -Wake up my 2 little boys and get them ready for Daycare
-Take my boys to daycare and go to work
-8:30 Work
-11:00 Show up at the gym for a quick Swim Workout (Every other day)
-12:00 Drink more Vegetable/Fruit juice on my way back to work
-12:15-4:45 Work
-5:15 show up at home and spend time with the family
-7:00 Eat Diner
-8:00 Put boys to bed and try and relax for an hour or so
-10:00 Back to the gym for a Bike Workout followed by a Run workout
-12:30 show up at home and try and go to bed

I try and take Sundays off and on Friday/Saturday I only do a long Bike Ride or Long Run

So as you can see when I put the Tri sticker on my car I didn't do it to be cool I did it because sometimes (A Lot) I need motivation anywhere I can get it.

Also when people ask me why I switched to the Primal lifestyle I explain I needed to do something to help my body go to the next level. And a funny but true fact: During the day after each workout I'm tired but I still have way more energy then when I was drinking 2 20oz Mountain Dews a day (and maybe a can or 2 of Red Bull) So trust me the Truth is in the Vegetable/Fruit...

And yes these are not doctored I can Juggle


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