If you have been keeping up with my blog (Since your reading it NOW I assume you are) I have been down on myself lately for about the last 3 weeks it seems the bike before run has just been kicking my ass so I tried a few things
1. Less Distance
2. Slower Pace Work Outs
3. More Rest Days Less Workouts
4. Make Excuses
Then a little over a 2 weeks ago I told myself no more excuses and did a in the freezing Midwest on snow covered sidewalks a 7 mile out door run (It sucked, but was worth it) and I have kept up my routine. I was spending to much time in my head, down on myself about losing my running speed I had built up and using the bike as an excuse. I went back to my notes and realized i got that speed by just running and not stressing so I went back to just doing the workouts and not worrying so much about my pace if it takes longer then it takes longer. Last week workouts went as planned but my focus was on maybe racing in cool new gear from a sponsor and then that became a reality. Then my most dreaded workout a 20-25 mile bike ride followed by a 10k, but ladies and gentlemen It's Back !! it's like the bike ride didn't happen and the funny part was I pushed for a workout PR on the bike I didn't take it easy. I started running and realized my pace was the exact same as when I was running my Half so I pushed it a little then a little more and found out that the magic number for me is about 18ish real bike to run workouts and finally my legs realized that we are still working out and have showed up to this crazy party. It's nice to break down a wall every now and then especially the ones in my head.
Last time I was in Chicago I saw this on a buss stop and it still remains to be my favorite motivational photo on my phone
and this one I just saw a hour ago

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