I had a 21 mile group bike ride on Monday with wheel cyclery (1st group ride ever) and it went OK. I had never taken the route we rode so I didn't know where to ride hard and where to take it easy. It went fine I just like to work out alone so the idea of riding and talking isn't always my thing but I needed the experience of being in a pack and having to pay attention to other riders. Tuesday my legs were tired and I went for a 12 mile run. I took the rest of the week to let my body rest for Ironman weekend. Friday I helped with the Convoy of Hope Volunteer Rally then went home packed my bike and got some sleep. Saturday morning I got up early and spent from 6am to 1pm handing out shoes to the needy. It was a good morning hot but still good.. It helped keep my mind off of the race. After Convoy I drove to Ironman village and got marked up for the race and picked up my race packet and listened to a rules and update meeting. As I was walking to get my bike Craig "Crowie" Alexander was coming of the course and I asked for a picture since he is most likely the current worlds best Ironman.
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Yes that is a sweet Convoy of Hope Shirt |
They changed the rule about having to check your bike on Friday due to the storm but I decided I would go ahead and leave my bike so I. I brought trash bags and covered my bike from the coming storm and drove home. I prepped all my gear and packed my car and went to bed (usually I'm to amped up to sleep but convoy wore me out and helped with falling asleep).
Race Day
I woke up at 3:30 and took a shower got dressed and triple checked to make sure I had everything.
I drove an hour to the race. When I got there a lot of people had not checked their bikes yet so everyone was moving slow and it seemed crowded. by the time I walked from where I parked to the race site I only had 30 minutes to set up so I went to the Bike2Run transition and set up my running shoes and hat. then made my way to the Swim2Bike transition area with about 5 minutes so I did no set up I took out my wet suit and goggles/swim cap and set all my other gear in front of my bike still packed since they were closing the area and I walked over to a tent and started to slip on my wetsuit. after I got it on I turned around and looked for some help (I haven't worn a wetsuit enough to know how to zip it up behind my back by myself.) A women in front of me had the same look so I zipped her up then she helped me. I heard some people talking and turned around and behind me was team refuel (Chocolate Milk) which was Hines Ward his coach Paula Newby-Fraser and a couple of people I didn't recognize. The announcer asked for any 1st timers to raise their hands and Hines and my hand went up. I wished him luck and he did the same and he moved ahead of me to join his age group. Bang the gun went off and the Pro Men took off and they started loading every one into the water. Groups start in the water 3 minutes apart. I moved away from the pack before my age group (30-34) got into the water and prayed a quick prayer asking for god to help me finish what I'm starting and help me end today as an Ironman. I entered the water and we hang out for about 2 minutes treading water then they shoot off the gun. I am a pool swimmer and have been training to be fast (Wrong Idea) I went to the inside and went hard as I could. I caught the next age group and that was a horrible mistake. I pushed to hard to start and caught the next age group and as I put my head down for a 2nd push and got kicked hard so I swiveled to the left and got hit on the head with an elbow hard enough to see a flash of light and knock my goggles off. I stopped swimming and a safety canoe was by me and asked if I was OK. I started swimming and said yeah I was just bumped and he said he saw me get hit a minute ago and was worried because I quit moving I looked around and no one was around me I said I was fine and swam away from the canoe. I was freaked out. I grew up in martial arts so I'm no stranger to getting kicked (never before by a Super bowl MVP) but I was trying to shake it off. I was swimming against the current in choppy water now with no goggles and after about 20 minutes my left leg cramped up and didn't want to kick so I went slow, horrible slow and did I mention it was my 1st time ever swimming in open water. I made the turn and headed for the exit ramp a half mile away which seemed like 5 miles away, and just kept swimming and rolling over on my back to rest every few minutes. with about 50 yards to go the safety canoe was back with me and asked if I needed a break. I said I didn't think I had time for a break. I made another attempt and freestyle and my legs were done both my right leg and left foot were cramped and refusing to help. then the Canoe guy said you have 2 minutes and you can make it if you speed up just a little. I tried to speed up but had nothing left then 2 safety boats came over and I could hear yelling that it was time to dig deep you can make it, it's time to push. I put my head under the water and kicked as hard as I could, while my head was under I asked god to just get me to my bike before time ran out. When my head came out of the water I was about 20 feet from the ramp and the were starting the last minute countdown. I couldn't swim anymore. I had been in the water for an hour I relaxed my right leg to try and get rid of the cramp and it hit rocks... Yes, adrenaline kicked in and I stood up. the guy on the ramp helping people said swim don't walk it will be faster, I yelled I can't swim anymore. I had no time the ramp guy took a step off the ramp and put his hand out I reached and puled myself out. I ran up the ramp stunned and in shock. That swim was the hardest physical feat I had ever done and I was dazed and confused.
I walked over to my bike and took off my wet suit. I put some sunscreen on my face and arms (not very well because I'm crispy now) tried to get my compression socks on after a few minutes a referee came over and said everyone is 15-20 minutes ahead of you you need to get on your bike. I grabbed my Nike running socks (low cut ankle socks) and decided to put them on and leave my others. I put on my shoes put everything in my bag moved it away from my bike and grabbed my helmet and took off. As I came out of the transition people were packing up and moving to the park for the rest of the race. One of the volunteers yelled make way we got 1 athlete still under the time limit and everyone put their stuff down and started cheering. It was crazy, I'm the slowest swimmer yet they are cheering like I'm the fastest. It took about 4 minutes on the bike to clear the haze from my brain,
and 45 running and total after people quit got hurt or their bikes broke I beat around 200 people (think what I could do if I work on my swim) The bike was tough. It was my 1st ever ride over 30 miles and I always use music but it wasn't aloud during Ironman. By the time I made it to the run my legs were spent so I ran, walked, jogged limped my way through the half marathon and yes I did it Sunday June 9th I became an Ironman (70.3) It was a long 8 hours but at least now I have an idea of what to expect.
a lot of things helped me do it these are a few that stand out
- The water safety team (they were awesome) If the canoe guy would have just watched and not cared enough to tell me to push I only had 2 minutes I would have never made it to my bike.
- My new bike (thanks to my mother in law) the course had crazy hills and my other bike would have been a monster
- The crowd (they cheered for me even when I was alone on my bike)
- My Wife (she came out to support me and had to handle my 2 little boys all weekend so I could race)
- My 2 sons Will is to young to know what I was doing but Tyce isn't and I want him to know that anything is possible and that limits are made to be tested. At mile 13 he ran a few yards with me, and he believed I would finish even if I wasn't sure and everyone needs people like that. That was the best part of the race.
I have A lot More I want to talk about but I wanted to send out a quick update and will make another post when I have more time...